The Office of Academic Affairs
Promotion to Associate Professor: Standing Faculty
The Career Series
PSOM COAP Expectations
Timelines and Extensions
Key Initiatives and Programs
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
Timelines and Extensions
Section One: Questions Addressed
What is an Extension and its affect on the probationary period?
Who is eligible to apply for an Extension?
What are the eligible events or conditions required for applying for an Extension?
What happens if I am granted an Extension, but decide later I want to be proposed for promotion on my original timeline?
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
Timelines and Extensions
Standing faculty tracks and the Research Track require a probationary period for Assistant Professors that results in promotion to Associate Professor or a final year
Extensions lengthen the faculty member’s probationary period by adding a year to the end of their current approved appointment term
With this extra year added to the probationary period, there is a resulting adjustment (or “pushing out”) of the mandatory review year for promotion consideration
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Seven Year Probationary Period Timeline
Tenure Basic Scientist
FINAL year, if not promoted
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Ten Year Probationary Period Timeline
Clinician Educator, Research, Tenure Physician Scientist
FINAL year, if not promoted
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Timelines and Extensions
Eligible Faculty
Assistant Professors on the Tenure, Clinician Educator, and Research Tracks are eligible for an extension to the probationary period corresponding to the year of an applicable event.
Clinician Educators
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Extensions & Eligible Events
Birth or adoption of a child
Serious medical condition of faculty member, or family member/domestic partner
Catastrophic event, personal or professional
Military service
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"Extensions can be highly advantageous both personally and professionally."
- Lisa Bellini, MD, Professor of Medicine, Senior Vice Dean of Academic Affairs
Extensions & Conditions
Maximum of three years
One year at a time
Extensions require a request to Chair, Dean, Provost within one year of the event
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Key Point
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
PSOM COAP Expectations
Section Two: Questions Addressed
What are the principles of promotion?
What goes in the dossier and which reviewers see which components?
What is an Advisory Letter and who might receive one?
What is a holistic review?
How do I demonstrate impact as a clinician, educator, and scholar?
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
PSOM Guidelines
Fundamental to promotion in the Standing Faculty and research track is evidence of continuous scholarly productivity and an evaluation of the totality of the impact of a candidate’s body of work. There is no set formula for promotion. Each candidate for promotion will have generated a highly unique set of contributions that will be independently evaluated.
Promotion Principles
Promotion is not a recognition of length of service, but rather growng impact over time
Increasing impact
Positive trajectory over time
Recognition by Extramural Consultants
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Promotion Review Order
Extramural Consultants
Department COAP Review
The Review Process Begins in the Department
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"Being on the PSOM COAP has given me pride of place ... It's a pleasure to read about how incredible our faculty are."
-Erica Thaler, MD, Co-Chair of PSOM COAP
Assesses candidates for appointment to the school’s faculty
Assesses the totality of faculty contributions for promotion
Works closely with departmental chairs, vice chairs, division chiefs, departmental COAPs, and mentors to guide individual faculty members as they develop their academic careers
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
What is a Holistic Review?
In contrast to criterion-referenced review, which evaluate against static metrics, a holistic approach enables reviewers to evaluate against metrics with consideration to the candidate's individual contributions.
The COAP Dossier is designed to offer opportunities for promotion candidates to provide a holistic presentation of their impact.
Holistic Review of Impact
Evidence of continuous scholarly productivity
Research consistent with PSOM’s mission with an upward trajectory of achievements over time
Contributions to the development of innovative approaches to diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease, technology applications, and new models of care
Community engagement is considered when it is closely aligned with the candidate’s academic work
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
Impact Examples
Scholarly Impact
Evidence of continuous scholarly productivity
Evaluation of the totality of the impact of a candidate’s body of work
Demonstration of impact requires evidence of successful translation of new knowledge into new approaches, techniques, devises, programs etc
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Impact Examples
Clinical Impact
Expertise | Recognition | Clinical Advancement
Awards and leadership roles related to clinical expertise
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Impact Examples
Education Impact
High-quality engagement in educational activities
Interactions with learners that vet meaningful and tangible outcomes
Alignment with the university and PSOM educational mission
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Talking Points on “Going Up Early”
“Early” Promotion
No set time, but generally after second reappointment, if at all
When the candidate meets “the bar”
Mitigating circumstances may be considered
Time in equivalent rank at prior institution is considered
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Advisory Letters
from PSOM COAP to department chair after a reappointment review
Invited Talks
"Advisory letters are intended to be helpful guidance for the faculty member, mentors, and the Department Chair."
-Roderic Eckenhoff, MD, Co-Chair of PSOM COAP
For Tenure and Research Tracks
Quality of teaching
Concern about lack of or too few talks
Build national/
international reputation with leadership roles in societies and study sections and editorial roles
Concern about lack of or too few publications or type of publications
Combination of Reasons
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Key Initiatives and Programs
Section Three: Questions Addressed
Who are my key "people resources"?
How can I get involved?
When I have questions, where do I start?
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The RISE Professionalism Initiative
Jody Foster, MD, MBA
Assistant Dean of Professionalism, Executive Clinical Director, Professionalism Program at Penn, Chair, Department of Psychiatry at Pennsylvania Hospital
Listen to Jody Foster's Podcast Minis on Professionalism
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Office of Academic Affairs Website
The OAA website is your home base for all things related to faculty affairs, employment status (such as sabbaticals and retirement, ...) and faculty professional development.
University of Pennsylvania | Perelman School of Medicine | Office of Academic Affairs
Thriving at PSOM - The Podcast
Hosted By Meryl Cohen, MD, Associate Dean of Faculty Professional Development, Professor of Pediatrics, Member of PSOM COAP
Season One: Behind the Scenes of COAP
Dropping Soon ...
Season Two: Strategies for a Successful Longitudal Career in Academic Medicine
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Department Resources
Department COAP Chair
Vice Chairs
of Education, Research, Faculty Affairs/Faculty Development, Professionalism
Education Officer
Provides a report for your dossier that describes your educational engagement and impact, and attests compliance in education effort.
Department Faculty Coordinators
Your department Faculty Coordinator is your navigator on the road to promotion. They will usher you through the academic review process. Expect to hear from them, get to know them. OAA relies on FCs to get you the latest updates. They are in the know.
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School Resources
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So Many More Resources
The Office of Academic Affairs
Promotion to Associate Professor: Standing Faculty
The Career Series